and a big hi to everyone :)
Have you had your meal? Enjoyed your weekend? Or 3 days ain't enough for your "really good" weekend? I bet everyone will feel the same hehe! So lets jump to the main topic!
For weeks, all of the Food Technology students couldn't even wait any longer for the trips (I guess so), because y'know, they're taking this course, I suppose they're very fond of food regardless the killer subject (Organic Chemistry) would treat them in Food Chemistry.
So, we would like to share their experience during their field trip to Beryl's Chocolate, Bandar Baru Bangi and Yakult, Seremban yesterday.
The departure was roughly at 0530 am, and you guys have no idea what were their reactions when the mind had been set up to open their eyes at that kind of hour. The bus headed up straight to their destination which is Beryl's Chocolate at Bangi, Selangor -- Stopped at few R&R to perform salah and buy some snacks.
About 1030 am, they arrived at Beryl's Chocolate Factory. The place was so beautiful like these photos going to tell you.
and a big hi to everyone :)
Have you had your meal? Enjoyed your weekend? Or 3 days ain't enough for your "really good" weekend? I bet everyone will feel the same hehe! So lets jump to the main topic!
For weeks, all of the Food Technology students couldn't even wait any longer for the trips (I guess so), because y'know, they're taking this course, I suppose they're very fond of food regardless the killer subject (Organic Chemistry) would treat them in Food Chemistry.
So, we would like to share their experience during their field trip to Beryl's Chocolate, Bandar Baru Bangi and Yakult, Seremban yesterday.
Map to Beryl's Chocolate Factory, Bandar Baru Bangi.
The departure was roughly at 0530 am, and you guys have no idea what were their reactions when the mind had been set up to open their eyes at that kind of hour. The bus headed up straight to their destination which is Beryl's Chocolate at Bangi, Selangor -- Stopped at few R&R to perform salah and buy some snacks.
About 1030 am, they arrived at Beryl's Chocolate Factory. The place was so beautiful like these photos going to tell you.
Sister Haryanie was promoting the beautiful Beryl's Chocolate Factory.
Once you've entered the main entrance, you'll see this counter.
The demonstrator was in that white shirt.
The adorable frames are everywhere! We love the left one the most, what 'bout you?
The highest floor, with the gorgeous lamps and everything.
Quickly snapped the photo as they were hurried into the museum.
(No photos or videos are allowed in either museum or factory)
The process in making chocolate!
Some sorts of the packaging of the Beryl's chocolate were displayed.
All students involved in this trip then moved into the factory which for sure, photos or videos aren't allowed at all. Next, they went to this one room where the warm-hearted Beryl's chocolate chef (also a product demonstrator) seemed ready to demonstrate on how to make dark chocolate with stick.
The chef showing the molds that he usually uses to make this kind of chocolate stick.
To make chocolate, we no need to use mask, but only gloves.
The dark chocolate needed to be stirred thoroughly to get the uniform temperature.
The chocolate should remain at the same temperature while you work with
chocolate outside of the bowl.
Bro. Zul was too lucky to be chosen to assist in this session:
He needed to pour the chocolate into the molds.
The dried fruits which would be put on the chocolate itself,
e.g: dried pineapple, dried mangoes, etc.
"Putting those sticks needed to be done in a short time," the chef said.
After putting some dried fruits on the chocolate, we have to put this thing in the fridge.
Here comes to the drizzling part, by which using strawberry chocolate (after the chocolate
has been freezed). The strawberry chocolate was heated in moderate temperature only.
Can't get these chocolate sticks in the store out there, because they're not for sale.
After finishing all the demonstrations, photos please!
What we were all waiting for... is actually this!
The Beryl's Chocolate Shop.
Shopping for everyone, family and friends!
About 1250 pm, everyone was starving for food, and the Muslimins particularly, had to go to Jumu'ah prayer at the nearby Mosque. Everyone should be gathered together at 0200 pm before proceeding to the next trip, which is to Yakult!
They arrived there at 0315 pm, and they got a very warm welcome by the staff (product demonstrator). She gave them all of the information that she ought to speak off. And they as the students felt so amazed with the interesting input, and even some of them had some kind of thoughts to apply job and get involved with Yakult production.
Yakult is a world pioneer in probiotics field. It's born from the research of a doctor that was conducted in 1935 by Dr Minoru Shirota. He became the first person in the world to succeed in culturing a strain of lactic acid bacteria (came from some kind of cheese), and indeed, this bacterium which is scientifically proven to be among the strongest strains of beneficial bacteria and has been shown to benefit human health, was named "Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain" after Dr. Shirota himself.
"Yakult is free of preservatives, colourings and stabilizers, and it is made not for only kids, but for everyone," said the Yakult demonstrator.
Yakult is a world pioneer and leader in the field of probiotics.
Yakult's cosmetics are created using biotechnology, from bacteria and herbs.
Free gifts from Yakult: a bottle of Yakult Ace and a notebook.
In front of the Yakult Factory which is located in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
Want to know how Yakult is produced?
Go to this link: Making Yakult
They went back to IIUM Kuantan at 0630 pm and arrived safely in the midnight. Everyone had so much fun and gained a lot of useful knowledge, mainly on the facts of both Beryl's Chocolate and Yakult.
Till then, ma'as salamah. Wasalam.

Huyoo banyaknyaaa gambaqq sayaa HAHAH
GoodJob ! \O/
Bestnyaaa *jeles*
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