To all KOS community, good luck & all the best for your final exam (^_^)
“…then when you have taken a decision, tawakkal (put your trust )in Allah" (3:159)
First of all, I never expected that I can get this post. Everybody knows we have very talented and promising candidates. But, all of you unanimously and decided to choose me. So, I feel very pleasured to be your voice as your president.
However, this post can be always transformed into a burden if it is not well-handled. So, I would like to ask all of you to work together with me and I also need your help and assistant in realizing the vision and mission of our Kulliyyah.
One of my missions is to see our Kulliyah is stand and to be viewed parallel to other Kulliyyah in IIUM Kuantan. Hope, that we can organize a number of joint venture programme in marketing, promoting and introducing our Kulliyah both inside and outside the campus. Insyaallah, we will organize an international programme like Hong Kong trip next time.
I also want to promote and encourage the habit or working together regardless the post and title. I wish for everyone to be supportive and compassionate in bringing SCIENCESS name to the highest level and recognition. So, it doesn’t matter if you are lecturer, staff and also student. Let us joint our hand together and looking forward to achieve our ambition. “We will never walk alone”.
I also want to remind all of you especially to all of the chosen EXCO here, every responsibility that have place on your shoulder should be taken seriously. So, I hope all of you do your job as well as you can together with the concept of IKHLAS.
If you have any ideas and suggestion to be shared, you are most welcome to do so. Please don’t be afraid to participate and expressing your idea to us.
Before I end my speech, let me quote the quotation from Saidina Abu Bakar As- Siddiq during the shifting of power as khalifah from our Prophet:
“ Wahai sekalian umat..Aku telah dipilih menjadi pemimpin kamu padahal ak ini bukanlah layak dan terbaik di kalangan kamu.. Sebab itu, jika pemerintahan ku ini adalah baik, maka sokonglah aku…tetapi, sekiranya pemerintahanku ini tidak baik, maka perbaikilah.. Patuhilah kepadaku selama mana ak patuh kepada Allah dan RasulNya..Akan tetapi, jika aku menderhakai allah, maka kamu sekalian tidak harus lagi kepadaku”
Thank you to all my fellow friends because spend your time to concentrate on my speech…
Ahmad Badruddin Othman
Muhammad Ukasyah Azhari
Nurul Damia Mohamad Sofian
Sec. General
Mohd Danial Mohd Efendy Goon
Asst. Sec. General
Sharifah Zahra Anoar
Siti Nurrul Husna Shaikh Mohd Azhar
Asst. Treasurer
Saidatul Syazana Al Amin Malim
EXCO (Biomed)
Adib Amir
Muhamad Zamri Abdul Murad
Siti Najihah Yahya
Wan Salihah Wan Abdullah
EXCO (Biotech)
Mohd Norziad Zainol
Mohd Adhameruddin Omar
Nurhidayah Samsuddin
Nor Salamah Mohamad Hidayat
Muhammad Nasir Mohamed
Mohd Raimi Che Mansor
Nur Fatin Ismail
Aliaa Mohamad Ziyadi
EXCO (International Students)
Mohd Hannan Shoukat Ali
Hazimah Mohd Nordin