Sunday, August 29, 2010

Let’s go green! -pictures-

The Green Initiative is an initiative to promote environmental awareness among the students and staff of the Kulliyyah of Science, with the hope that our efforts will reach those outside of the IIUM network as well. It aims to promote awareness concerning environmental issues, to encourage ways to protect and sustain the environment, and to live life in a more environmentally-friendly manner. (takne from the green initiative FB page)

Allah has also said in Holy Quran: (Surah Al-Rum: 41)

“Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of (the meed) that the hands of men have earned, that (Allah) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from Evil)”

Based on this verse, Allah reminds us that we are the one who create distructions on earth so, we will feel the results then.Our greediness and bad desires lead us to conquer world has effected our environment with problems and pollutions badly. Therefore, it is our responsiblility to make things right by doing the right things! How? There are a lot of activities from this programme which we can participate such as:

1. Make 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle)as our lifestyle

2. Donate our used paper. There is a donation box provided at KoS Lobby where we can put those papers.

3. “Like” The Green Inititative’s facebook page

4. Expose ourselves to the environmental problems that occur now. We can join the green exhibition at Kos Lobby. Try to spend a little time to read what is posted there. We’ll perhaps get some new info or at least been reminded about what we’ll already know…which I tell you, that we need to be reminded all time J

These are only some of the activities. There are thousands of ways which we may put in actions to save our planet. Be a true Muslim, ponder upon this ayah and let’s go green! Stop polluting our world and make a difference in our lifestyle by changing our attitude towards the environment.


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