On 28th of February,
KOS Music Workshop has been held in IIUM. This programme was the
first of its kind to be held in IIUM Kuantan Campus.The organizer of this programme is
Social,Cultural,Welfare Bureau. The objectives of this programme is to
excel students' talent and
creativity and
convey message of da'wah through music. In the morning, the participant has been give a brief explanation about Music and Islam by
Dr Abd Razak Abdulahi Hashi then they have been thought about Music Theory by
Bro Irwan Mat, engineering student at IIUM Gombak. later, they have been teach and divided to small groups about music instruments by the facilitator a.k.a
SCIENCESS Acoustic Team. The music instrument that they use such as guitar, violin, keyboard and percussion. the closing ceremony has been closed by our President of SCIENCESS,
Bro Don Luqmanul Hakim and the participant has been entertained by the performance of SCIENCESS Acoustic Team.Congrats to all committees members and the organizer!!! =)