Thursday, October 8, 2009



Yup, tonight is the night where we receive a new president to replace the incumbent or outgoing president Bro. Izzudin Nadzrin......

The election was pretty tight, as we, didn't have a slight clue who's going to be the next president.

After two days of campaign, with a strong vote of 390, Bro. Don Luqmanul Hakim Don Biyajid was elected and chosen to be the next president of the Science Student Society for the year 2009 and 2010.

Congratulations and Salutations to Bro. Don.

The full list of the board will be announced later.

With this post, it signifies the end of my term(running this blog). I, Mohammed Nabil Mahamad would like to apologize, if there is any wrongdoing and mistakes while handling this blog for almost year.

Everyone makes mistakes, including me, but a human will also learn from their mistakes (even though some won't) and make improvements for a better day.....

With this, I'll certainly hope, the person who will manage this blog, would do a better job than me.....

Here I posted a link to Bro. Don Facebook page, if you want to know about him.....


Unknown said...

Jom sertai komuniti! Dengan penampilan yang lebih anggun dan ceria

- artikel tarbiyah, cerpen dll
- muat turun ebook, mp3, buletin ar-risalah
- dengar radio online (IKIM dan Nasyid fm)
- forum
- submit link blog anda
- tonton koleksi video menarik
- dapatkan kartun, wallpapers dll
- hantar karya anda (kartun, wallpaper, artikel)
- tinggalkan testimoni anda

Jom bersama membina generasi baru. Semoga usaha ini barakah.

CTS Batch 09 said...

xde post bru?