Monday, January 5, 2009



It’s the New Year already and also you can say the beginning of the new semester even though its already the third week of the semester. SCIENCESS had new people and this blog also had a new person in charge. Anyway, that concludes the introduction.

As some of you might have known, the CTS Lounge had moved to a new area. It’s still in the same block, but different place. The old lounge become the new GPCL (General Purpose Computer Lab).

The moving took place on the 1st of January 2009. It begun at 8.30 am, where the volunteers starts to the gather at the old lounge at level 1. The stuff was packed and brought down to the ground floor near the toilet. The volunteers were split into two groups. The sisters, clean, unpacked the stuff and arrange it into the new lounge. The brothers meanwhile, with the help of Dr Samsun and Dr. Salihi, brought in the new computer desk into the old lounge. Later on, the sisters helps the brothers brought down the computer to the old lounge and set it up. Some of the sisters prepared refreshment to top-up the energy loss.

Here are some pics.....

Sis helping to clear out the old lounge

It moves as the lounge moves

Quite heavy aren't they?

Mmm, the first to try the new PC....

New GPCL established....

Resting...... at the new lounge

Dr Samsun seen helping out the crew.....

Well, the new GPCL was established. The lounge moved. All work was completed at 11.30 a.m. What do you get after letting all that sweat out ? Well, you guess its the refreshment.

Anyhow, we would like to thank all the CTS Lounge crew and other volunteers from Biotech, Biomedic and CTS. It's a hard work indeed, but it'll pay off later on. Also, come and visit the new GPCL (at the old CTS Lounge) and the new CTS Lounge(now located ground floor). There might be something useful for you.....

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