The ceremony started at
The ceremony kicked off with a video clip of SCIENCESS events of yesteryear like the KOS Family Day and KOS Sports Day, and also the montage of WacKOS (we won, by the way). Dr. Ahmad Aman then went about warming up to the new students, relating his jolly life as a university student in the 70’s, when students had no motorcars (when did we last hear that word? Konserto Terakhir?!), little money, and Arrow shirts were the era’s Gucci. We also learnt some trivia: He was born with grey hair! 0_o Long story made short: After getting a not-so-discreet warning letter from the emcee, he welcomed the students to his office anytime to talk about issues regarding their life as students, and subsequently inaugurated the modest ceremony with the unveiling of the GASS VI banner.
The ceremony continued with quirky two-minute self-introductions by the various SCIENCESS excos, starting from our new President, Zakuan Azizi, to the ever important Assistant Head Committee of the Special Task and Economics Bureau, Sarah Ilya Othman (what a mouthful to pronounce). A lucky draw then ensued, which saw three juniors go home happier (Dr. Ahmad Aman gave them presents!). After having fulfilled his duty as one-time Santa, Dr. Ahmad Aman subsequently left to dine with the rest of the VIPs.
Afterwards, a troupe composed of second-, third-, and fourth-year CTS guys entertained everyone with a wonderful acapella Nasyid performance. Another lucky draw was held after that, albeit with a different Santa. Fortunately, those who did not win were relieved of their sorrows after watching Geli Mat. For those not in the know, we can’t even begin to describe the colourful language it features and its painful effect on your stomachs and mouths, but rest assured everyone enjoyed every minute of it =D
Anyway, the ceremony was promptly ended, and afterwards everyone adjourned downstairs to A-G-03 to get what they really looked forward to that evening: free dinner; appetiser, drinks, and dessert included. A session called ‘Sharing Moments’ was held in the adjacent classrooms, where the juniors and seniors dined together and got acquainted. It sounds like nothing much when compared to the GASSes held at Gombak, but we’re sure everyone was glad and happy that they came. Needless to say, everyone went home a little fuller (that’s what matters).
We at SCIENCESS would like to thank everyone for attending the event and we do hope to see juniors joining our ranks and helping us host more events in the future. Let’s pray for a productive and fruitful year in 2008. And more importantly, let’s have a blast! Welcome to the
Reported by,
Muhammad Zulhilmi Bin Mohd Ghouse
Public Relations & Information Bureau