We departed from IIUM Kuantan around 6.30 am. Upon arrival, everyone seemed to be looking at UIA Gombak with a mixture of many feelings and thoughts – happy, sad, angry etc. One thing for sure, it was nostalgic.
Well, first thing first, all of us went straight ahead to our objective, National Career Carnival, located at the CAC. Half of the spaces in CAC were occupied by booths from companies and universities. Living up to the expectation, large companies such as Petronas, Maxis, and RTM built up big booths. RTM even open up audition for those who interested to be newscasters. Just for fun, one of us gave it a shot :p
The national career carnival was not a wonderful experience for the biotechnology and biomedical science students. Nevertheless, the mathematical students might benefit a lot from this trip. Good for them! Of all the booths we visited, not a single company offered bio-based jobs. We started wondering what had happened to one of our policies in RMK-9, which emphasized on biotechnology. Most of the jobs offered were related to management, law, accounting, and engineering. Then, our lecturer Dr. Jalal said that there would be another exhibition in February that would be very much related to biotechnology. His words eased us a lot.
Heck, we enjoyed ourselves anyway and took home some of the brochures, and of course, lots of goody bags :p I even got myself a cap and a t-shirt :D lucky me, eyy. Hoho. Before heading back home at 8.00pm, we took the opportunity to have a tour around IIUM Gombak, enjoy the scenery from old memories, and visit some old friends of ours. Science students always know how to have fun! ;)

Report and Pictures by: Luppi